A Genuine Article

A key to finding your voice online

A key to finding your voice online

“Look bad. Take a risk. Lose face. Be yourself. Share yourself with someone. Open up. Be vulnerable. Be human. Leave your comfort zone. Get honest. Experience the fear. Do it anyway.”

—Steve Chandler

I love that quote.

A single Facebook post, a blog entry, or an Instagram photo will not define you. Many of us subconsciously believe that it will. This fear puts a wall between us and those who really need what we have to offer.

The ability to make progress, even with all of its costs, is a healthy sign. Because there is a cost involved, most of us can only do this in little steps. Life is just a series of small payments against that cost. They may seem insignificant to us, but those little steps—those little payments in the currency of vulnerability—each contribute to our long term happiness.

How will you make yourself vulnerable today? You have my permission to look bad, and by doing so, be human.

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Marc Carson, Owner

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